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13 Ergebnisse.

Emotion, Restraint, and Community in Ancient Rome

Kaster, Robert A.
Emotion, Restraint, and Community in Ancient Rome
Classical Culture and Society (Series Editors: Joseph A. Farrell, University of Pennsylvania, and Ian Morris, Stanford University) is a new series from Oxford that emphasizes innovative, imaginative scholarship by leading scholars in the field of ancient culture. Among the topics covered willbe the historical and cultural background of Greek and Roman literary texts, the production and reception of cultural artifacts, the economic basis of cul...

CHF 67.00

Emotion, Restraint, and Community in Ancient Rome

Kaster, Robert
Emotion, Restraint, and Community in Ancient Rome
Emotion, Restraint, and Community examines the ways in which emotions, and talk about emotions, interacted with the ethics of the Roman upper classes in the late Republic and early Empire. By considering how various Roman forms of fear, dismay, indignation, and revulsion created an economy of displeasure that shaped society in constructive ways, the book casts new light both on the Romans and on cross-cultural understanding of emotions.

CHF 67.00

Macrobii Ambrosii Theodosii Saturnalia

Kaster, Robert A. (Professor of Classics and Kennedy Foundation Professor of Latin, Princeton University)
Macrobii Ambrosii Theodosii Saturnalia
A new edition of the Saturnalia, Macrobius' enormously influential collection of ancient lore. The Latin text is based on a refined understanding of the medieval tradition, the accompanying critical apparatus provides an accurate account of the text's documentary basis and the record of its correction and is supplemented by ample testimonia.

CHF 75.00

Studies on the Text of Macrobius' Saturnalia

Kaster, Robert
Studies on the Text of Macrobius' Saturnalia
This monograph, a companion to a new edition of Macrobius' Saturnalia, surveys the early medieval transmission of the text, provides the first detailed stemma of the extant manuscripts, and discusses some of the nearly 300 passages in which the new text differs from the standard edition of James Willis.

CHF 65.00

Studies on the Text of Suetonius' De uita Caesarum

Kaster, Robert A.
Studies on the Text of Suetonius' De uita Caesarum
Studies on the Text of Suetonius' De uita Caesarum is a companion volume to the critical edition of Suetonius' Lives of the Caesars in the Oxford Classical Texts series, edited by Robert Kaster. It provides detailed insight into the research and textual analysis behind the edition.

CHF 160.00

Cicero: Speech on Behalf of Publius Sestius

Kaster, Robert A.
Cicero: Speech on Behalf of Publius Sestius
Featuring a translation of, and commentary on, Cicero's defence of Publius Sestius against a charge of public violence, this book provides student of Rome with a way into the period and is also among the best introductions we have to traditional Republican values and ethics in action.

CHF 286.00

Guardians of Language

Kaster, Robert A.
Guardians of Language
Kaster's book is both rich in its deployment of an extraordinarily wide range of little-known material and original in its approach to the subject. . . . There is no question at all that this book will be of great value to specialists in late antiquity, to historians of education, and to classicists in general. It will be a fundamental work in the field."—James E. G. Zetzel

CHF 126.00

The Appian Way

Kaster, Robert A.
The Appian Way
The Roman poet Statius called the Via Appia "the Queen of Roads, " and for nearly a thousand years that description held true, as countless travelers trod its path from the center of Rome to the heel of Italy. Today, the road is all but gone. This book deals with the author's adventures along this ancient highway.

CHF 31.90

The Appian Way: Ghost Road, Queen of Roads

Kaster, Robert A.
The Appian Way: Ghost Road, Queen of Roads
To walk on remnants of the storied Appian Way, from Rome to Italy, is to walk in the footsteps of ghosts. In this book, the author is our guide to those ghosts - and the layers of history they represent. It takes us on a trek with him back in time, to the campaigns of Garibaldi, the revolt of Spartacus, and the glory days of Imperial Rome.

CHF 21.90